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Your Wellness Ambassador
Welcome! Shaklee Products have been in my life since 1980! Using Shaklee helped get rid of stomach ulcers, hyperactivity, sinus conditions and much more. Everything is "In Harmony With Nature" with a return satisfaction guarantee. After over 45 years I am still happy with my Shaklee Products - they fulfill most of my shopping needs. Maybe yours too? Would you like to try Shaklee Products? There is a membership to get 15% off. Looking forward to hearing from you.
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Together, we're building healthier communities and a healthier planet.

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Make a Difference with Every Order

Round up your order to the next dollar to support people and the planet through Shaklee Care's partnerships with Vitamin Angels and American Forests.

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Shaklee Cares has supported individuals,
families, and communities for over 25 years.

$3 million+

in Shaklee products


in grants donated
to families in need


families in need

Meet Our Partners

Shaklee Cares is a publicly supported, 501(c)(3) nonprofit, tax-exempt organization committed to creating a healthier future by investing in nutritional and environmental health for the next generation. By using grassroots citizen groups working in impacted areas, Shaklee Cares has provided thousands of volunteer hours and millions of dollars in cash and product donations to help communities rebuild.

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