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Your Wellness Ambassador
I'm excited to serve YOU & customize your health! With over 330 science based, Patented, clinically tested, empty-bottle guaranteed products, we are "the Most Proven Wellness Company in the World"! Ask for a free Hormone & Wellness Assessment that gets personal, down to your bloodwork (optional). Health is very personal; this is about YOU! Let's discover budget-friendly products that make you feel, move and look, the way you want! Wishing you only great things, Coach Steph
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No Animal Testing

Shaklee Corporation actively supports the development, use, and approval of safe alternatives to animal testing throughout the world. As a matter of policy, Shaklee Corporation is opposed to and does not conduct animal testing of any kind on any Shaklee product. In one foreign market, the regulatory agencies may conduct their own independent testing on our products which we do not control.